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Encyclopédie de la Parole is a group of artists, academics, and curators. Since 2007 they have been collecting all sorts of oral recordings in all possible languages and structuring them according to cadence, melody, choral nature, and stress. From this collection, they distill a series of very diverse artistic projects, ranging from exhibitions to performances.

In Suite nº 1 «ABC», an international choir of 22 performers presents a selection from this collection of recordings, treated as very exact scores.


Concept  Encyclopédie de la Parole


Composition & direction  Joris Lacoste


Conductor  Nicolas Rollet


With  Ese Brume, Hans Bryssinck, Geoffrey Carey, Frédéric Danos, Delphine Hecquet, Vladimir Kudryavtsev, Emmanuelle Lafon, Nuno Lucas, Barbara Matijevic, Olivier Normand, Marine Sylf


and  Alessandra Armenisie, Ana Rita Teodoro, Bernardo de Lacerda, Catarina Rodrigues, Frederico Andrade, Marisa Ferraz, Marta Cunha, Maurícia Neves, Pedro Loureiro, Rodrigo Ribeiro and Tomás Varela


Document research  Frédéric Danos, Joris Lacoste, Emmanuelle Lafon, Nicolas Rollet and Elise Simonet


Guest-collectors  Constantin Alexandrakis, Grégory Castéra, Annie Dorsen, Myriam Van Imschoot, Valérie Louys, Loreto Troncoso Martinez, Barbara Matijevic, Olivier Normand, Sabine Macher, Berno Odo Polzer, Tomoko Miyata, Seyma Aouij


Direction assistant  Elise Simonet


Consultant Grégory Castéra


Costumes  Nathalie Lermytte


Lighting  Koen De Saeger e Florian Leduc


Stage manager  Florian Leduc


Production  Frédérique Payn e Marc Pérennès


Production & administration  Marc Pérennès


Touring  Judith Martin


Production  À l’échelle 1 : 1 / l’Encyclopédie de la Parole

Co-production  Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels – TU, Nantes – Festival d’Automne à Paris – Centre Georges Pompidou – Les Spectacles Vivants, La Villette, Paris – Théâtre National Bordeaux – Studio Théâtre et MAC/VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine – Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil – centre dramatique national with the artistic participation of Jeune Théâtre National and supported by the Institut Français


Support  Institut Français in the context of the TranARATE program, by the Institut Français du Portugal and by Embassy of France in Portugal.


Co-produced  NXTSTP


Support  Culture Programme of the European Union 2014, Alkantara, Encyclopédie de la Parole

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Suite nº 1 ABC
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