performer actor writer
Mostly known as a painter, Álvaro Lapa (1939-2006) remains a secret writer, which we urgently need to read again. Such is the pursuit of visual artist and film director João Sousa Cardoso, who, in a new incursion into Lapa’s work, rescues Barulheira [Racket] from silence. In an essay in various voices, Sousa Cardoso and the actors search together – and in ways that change every night – for Lapa’s polyphonic text, which weaves together inner monologues, diary entries and brief tales that revisit figures from the artist’s personal mythology (the brother, the navigator, the teacher, the prophet, the bird, the hours, mathematics, the sea of Labruge), as well as passages in which he invokes Artaud, celebrating the pre-cultural vitality that emerges from the free experiencing of the body and language. After Raso como o Chão – which premiered in 2012 at TeCA –, it is now Barulheira’s turn to continue a reflection on the work of imagination, eroticism and the possibilities of freedom in Portugal, while preserving the rough edges that separate one artistic discipline from another.
Texts Álvaro Lapa
Concept João Sousa Cardoso
Actors Ricardo Bueno, Marta Cunha, Constança Carvalho Homem, João Sousa Cardoso
Lighting Design Miguel Ângelo Carneiro
Photography Catarina Oliveira, Imagem Image, Nuno Gonçalves
Production Director Isalinda Santos
Co-production TNSJ, Confederação
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