performer actor writer
My body is not your country
by Marta Bonito
in collaboration with Amanda Gatti & Laura Padilla
"Once upon a time there was a girl who decided to leave."
Cassandra, Marta, Natasha, Ana, Antonia.
Based on autobiographical stories, this one woman show presents a puzzle of different migrant trajectories protagonized by women blurring the border between life and fiction and echoing departures, arrivals and journeys in between.
Through storytelling and movement the audience is invited to take off on a journey questioning what it means to be a migrant woman in the world today and why it is so difficult to name where home is.
20 & 22 August 2023 The Cockpit | Camden Fringe 2023
6 & 7 June 2023 A Pinch of a Vault | The Glitch
2 October 2022 Miniatura Scratch Night/ Voila Festival | Camden´s People Theatre
4 May 2022 NDT Broadway Scratch Night | New Diorama Theatre
snaps of work